Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Water Wastage

Lets talk about water wastage in Singapore today.

I'm sure you have all heard of campaigns to save water; Turning off the taps, shower instead of taking a bath and so on. But, have you really stopped to think about what is really causing this problem? Who is wasting so much water doing meaningless activities? No, its not the civilians.

Yes, I'm talking about the SAF.

In my short time in the army, I realised that the safety regulations requires the NSmen to have a water parade before and after streneous physical activities such as P.T. and route marches. Let me show you the maths: assuming a normal person drinks a litre of water during water parade, he will have drunk at least 1000 litres of water by the time he ORDs. (That is assuming he has about 300 P.T. and route march sessions during his time in the army. A conservative estimate by most accounts.)

Furthermore, that is not taking into consideration the water he drinks during meals. Multiply that amount by the number of NSmen in the army at any given time, SAF wastes almost 200000000 litres of water a year!

Of course, I have to give a solution for this pressing problem.


Think about it. By doing this, the civilians would have 200000000 litres more of water at their disposal which could be used for other profitable activities.

**Think I'll get sued for saying this?**

Peace out.

I wrote this useless rambling at 5:33 AM|


` About Me `

*Name: Brandon =)
*Age: 18
*Birthday: 8th Jan
*Sign: Capricon
*Country: S'pore
*Fav things: Blue haired, crimsom eyed girls **look to the right of the screen**

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