I think I've just discovered something about the human nature. Anybody realised how little tags you get on your tagboard whenever everything is A-OK with your life while once you post that your life sucks or that you wanna die, the tag count goes up? So... that's why so many people are posting suicidal messages on their blogs. Hey, good thinking guys! GO ANGST!
Honestly though, I'm never really a angst ridden person. So I'll just let my tagboard rot while posting happy stuff ok? Sorry tagboard, maybe you'll find a better master in your next life. And you angst ridden people, what's the point of cutting your wrists or burning yourselves with cigerettes? DON'T YOU FEEL PAIN? DOES FEELING THIS PAIN HELP YOUR SITUATION ONE BIT? No, I guess not. Stop doing it. It hurts and you are not cool by doing it. People will look down on you. I know I scoff whenever I see people posting their slashed wrists on the Internet. Go do something that will REALLY attract attention; such as getting good results. Bet you parents will be even more shocked by that than a couple of slashes on your wrists.
Think happy thoughts Brandon.
Yay! I brought a person to Christ this week! I got blessed by my mum this week! I'm starting to accept adulthood as part and parcel of life! My fanfiction story got 40 reviews! W00T! This week is amazing I tell you. Really showed me how God is able to work miracles in everyday situations. So bottomline is, go to church. Its cool and fun. And the best thing is, you'll not go to hell when you die! 1337 eh?
This is what losers do when they are bored; we take team photos before playing a soccer match WE arranged OURSELVES. Ok team, please don't be angry with me, I'm probably the only loser inside. Anyways, I'm the third from right in the second row. Yep, take a good look at him and say a resounding *LOSER!!!*
As the heading in the photo states, we actually won 6-2. But that is probably because I only played till half time. Otherwise, we may have actually lost.
Ok. I know that these genre of self-depreciating blog posts have been done to death by many more 'emo' and 'angsty' people than me. However, I'll still give it a go. After all, now that my schooling days are over, I don't get many people insulting me anymore. If anything, they are starting to say that I am becoming a man!
Is it because I am going to be enlisted (according to Singaporean law) into the army that makes me a man? Yes, I'll probably look more tanned and manly after I enlisting but becoming a man? Nope. Long ways to go yet.
Anyways, I prefer remaining a boy. (Think Peter Pan... Lao Wan Tong... Michael Jackson)